Latest News Updated Jan 20, 2025.    Calendar 

2025 Public Run Dates: May 5 (Monday), Jun 1, Jul 6, Aug 3, Sep 7, Oct 5. More Information

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Something new up for sale! - Tony Kendall has a riding truck for sale, tyre kickers welcome. See for sale section of website HERE.
The proposed auction on 8th Feb is postponed to a future date (tbc). - Calendar Updated.
Calendar Updated.
After the wind and rain over the new year, +2 deg and sunshine seemed quite pleasant on Thursday. Changing a trackswitch connector for the newer, more waterproof type.
Collection of photos from our recent Santa Specials HERE
Sadly, David Rosier, our flagman, has died. David had been ill for some time, recovering from a stroke.
Howard has been tittivating Geoff's Polly V. Thus, a successful test on Wednesday and ready to burn.

Having been flushed with success, we turned our attention to even more important needs. We had heard rumours that Santa has been present in the ticket office with presents. Thus we tiptoed up and knocked at the door. And knocked even harder. Great sadness - there was no answer. Just a cruel rumour after all! Or perhaps he was out?
Santa Specials around the site today!!
Calendar updated for 2025.
Updated for sales listing. See link above.
Swinging duo measure camber angle (some people have a different name for it, but it confuses cockneys) with new swingometer on Wednesday. Results have shown up some minor undesirables which we will fix soon.
Just to put things in perspective, Richard's boys worked hard and renewed two support beams on Tuesday and one the week before - well done to them.
Good to see two friends back at NSME on Wednesday. Keith gets down to driving the club Simplex.
After a gap of 4 years, the NSME stand at MMEE2024.
We built the stand in the morning and members brought their models for display in the afternoon.
The erection team posing. All smiling at once! Regret Alan was shy and not available for photographs - he transported the stand hardware in his van.
A sign of the times, or at least our times - we now have seats by popular request.
Always good to see the exhibition build on the day. Something which takes most of a day to build, gets demolished in half an hour on Sunday at 4pm
The Bonfire party on Tuesday 5th has been canceled due to little interest. Hedgehogs seem happy though!!
Stand backboards re-painted, checks made and all in fine fettle for MMEE2024.

Tony and Peter are going to erect the stand on build day ready for members models and are all dressed up and ready to go.

John K is the project leader and you can register an interest in exhibiting a model or being a stand attendant by contacting him now on
Septembers club runday - a lovely day had by all!!
Tony tries a different Britannia, Norman poses with his Britannia, Dave rests, and a fine A4 model. All at the GL5 AGM weekend, held at Saracens Head.
Howard Wakefield has finished his winter project refurbishing the club's Simplex loco, including fitting a new boiler.
Video of howard testing out the loco on track for the first time....

Photo album of build progress HERE
Brian Parker sends some pictures from Septembers public run...